Thursday, November 04, 2010

FdA Graphic Spatial Communication Year 1

Project title: Typography 1 - Rules and Aesthetics

You will be taken through the PDF documents and a website that feature information about the rules of typography. You can use this information to help you design your layout designs exercise below.

Exercise 1
Using the graphic you created on 12 October in the Visual Dialogue part 2 project and the Type sheets provided you must create at least ten alternative designs that work on the square box sheet.
As you complete each design photograph it using your mobile phone.

Exercise 2
From these ten designs select the 2 designs that in your opinion are the most successful. You will have the opportunity to explain your reasons for these selections to the class. Choose one of these designs and stick down the elements onto the square box sheet.

Your tutor will photograph each of these selected designs. It is hoped that one design solution can be used to help promote the FdA Graphic Spatial Communication course.

Thanks to students whose work is displayed below; Frankie Legere; Hanna Abouzeid; Isti Nurhanifah; Linda Halaslova; Marco Marchesan; Max Sarasini; Nik Nanda; Riah Naeif; Roxanna Groeneveld; Zehra Hussain.

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