FRAN LLOYD: Fran Lloyd intends to redesign 5 of the Arcana Tarot cards. She has been researching symbolism and the ideas of Aleister Crowley. Working predominately in black and white line Fran has also selected some experimental marbling effects that she will try to incorporate into the design. She has considered the practice of some ‘Outsider Artists’ of illustrating the entire surface the image sits on so you are overwhelm by and abundance of information. It was suggested that the use of shadows to represent 'hidden' images and negative space used to add content.
The size of the Artwork will be A3 (197 mm X 420 mm) but the group discussed the effectiveness of using Linocut techniques to print bold artworks. These artworks could be A2 in size (420 mm X 594 mm) I pointed out that this decision might involve a time consuming process that was unnecessary at this stage. Complete the task as stated in her project plan and at some future date work on linocut versions of the designs.
Fran should have enough time to complete this project by the June deadline. If she finishes early she should attempt a linocut version of at least 1 of her designs.
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