REBEKAH FORD: Rebekah is investigating the history of her ancestor Eda, a Victorian Launderess. She has been interviewing her older relatives about this woman and her life. Some relatives recall a respectable women while others tell of ribald behaviour.
Rebekah sees her work being contained in a box that she will cover with illustrations that reflect the period 1880 -1888 and she has purchased some laundry account books that she will manipulate and fill with her own content. We discussed the fact that this work had to reach out to wider audience and must not be a too personal memoir.
The group discussion led to Rebekah being advised to look at the work of Illustrator Frances Castle (who is working on her own family history illustrated story) and to refer to the opening title sequence of the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird.
Rebekah believes she will have her work ready for the June 2009 deadline.
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